In accordance with the WA Dept of Health and Governor Inslee, massage therapists are able to work if they can offer a safe and sterile place of work to people who feel they need it. There are specific regulations for us to put in place in order to meet those standards and its cost around $850 for me to gear up for you.


As of 10.01.21 Even though, I am fully vaccinated and you may be fully vaccinated too - until further notice we will continue to follow all regulations listed below.


I’m doing every thing I can to make my office a 100% safe place for YOU and ME. Including the following rules:

1. Everyone must wear a mask while in the office that completely covers the nose and mouth. If you show up without one you will not be allowed in and also charged for the session.

2. Everyone must wash their hands immediately upon entering the office (my bathroom is immediately on the left as you enter) I also have gloves if you want wear those for free.

3. I will be taking your temperature with a touch-less infra red thermometer as soon as you enter.

4. If you want a BLANKET during your massage session PLEASE BRING ONE IN!

5. If you are not feeling well in ANY WAY ( especially COVID symptoms) please cancel giving me as much notice as possible

6. I will be sanitizing the office between clients with CDC approved 70% alcohol sanitizer.

7. Please show up a few minutes early for the extra procedures and do not linger after your session. FYI: the elevators only allow 1 person at a time so be prepared to take the stairs to the 3rd floor unless you are not able to  : )

8. I have an HEPA/ ozone/ air purifier/ ventilator/air circulation machine to prevent stagnation of air in the office, a smaller version in the bathroom. Plus if its warm enough large windows to open and fans for air circulation

9. You will be requested to put your bag and clothes on the plastic sheet on the client chair so that I can sanitize after you leave

10. Please bring in your own water to drink as I will not be supplying it at this time

11. If you have traveled or flown in the last 2 weeks please let me know. Thank you

I endeavor to maintain a relaxing sanctuary for you amidst all this and hope that you feel confident in my efforts. Taking time away from life's stresses and healing ourselves on a daily basis has been part of my personal belief to well being and I want to support each and every one of you in your journey to staying healthy and keeping a strong immune system as is essential.

If you, or anyone you know, suffers from gut issues such as constipation, IBS, candida overgrowth, hemorrhoids, gas, pain, bloating or more - check out Vanessa’s online course “Gut Health Formula - complete guide and protocols to heal your gut naturally”.

Vanessa Haycock

Vanessa is a Natural Therapeutic Specialist. Her passion is helping people to reclaim their health and lives back through natural proven remedies focusing on gut health, detox protocols and common sense diet routines that you don’t have to take a 2nd mortgage out to afford.

With over 26 years experience - you know you are in good hands.