Enjoy The Benefits Of Saging or Smudging!

Saging (aka. Smudging) your sacred space, your home or office, or even your body is like taking a refreshing energetic shower, or doing a deep metaphysical cleansing. Saging is one simple way to make a difference naturally to how you are feeling the energy in your space. The smoke has a pleasant fresh herbal smell and can feel grounding to your home, office or yourself.

Sometimes, energy in a room can feel stagnant or negative. Sometimes we ourselves can feel like we are stuck in a rut or “foggy”. These are two examples when its time to clear out the energies and make room for positive refreshing new energy.

Watch Vanessa demonstrate Saging!

The smoke from dried sage actually changes the ionic composition of the air, and can have a direct effect on reducing our stress response and make the energy feel lighter. If I have been very stressed out or there has been an argument or some negative energy then I love to sage to clear it all out and start fresh again. It is believed that any conflict, anger, illness or evil is absorbed by the sage smoke to be released or cleansed from the energy field of a person.

I often find that after a busy week with clients at my office, I like to sage my office and it clears out the energy very quickly and sets me up for the weekend. It feels to me as if I’m “in my own space” and that I’m not bringing home “work” energy into my home.

I like to think of saging as a “Cosmic vacuum cleaner” because it literally feels like the sage smoke is sucking up all the old energy and stale air to leave us clean and sparkling!

We don’t use culinary sage but the wild sage that grows in the deserts. Please only purchase your sage bundles from herb stores, health food stores, framers markets etc and do not go out into the desert to gather sage as it is meant for the local indigenous or Native American people to use as part of their traditions

Saging is an ancient tradition that many different indigenous people have used around the world over time. The use of dried white sage is a 2,000 year old Indigenous American practice. The shamans used dried sage plants on their fires as a ritual of calling upon ancestral spirits. The Greeks and Romans have saged too!

How to Sage your home, office or yourself.

  1. Break off a small amount of sage leaves without the woody stalk

  2. Put leaf pieces into e.g. a metal tray, a china bowl or something that wont burn or break if it gets hot and holds the sage leaves so they can not be fall out

  3. Light your sage pieces

  4. Let it burn for a few seconds then blow it out to get the smoke

  5. Simply “waft” the smoke around yourself first to clear your energy and then walk around your space wafting the smoke into corners and behind the couch or into areas where energy can become stuck. You may have to relight the sage if it goes out a few times.

  6. When you are satisfied you have completely saged your space let the smoke sit for a few minutes then open the windows and outside doors to let it out.

Cautions: Be careful not to burn your fingers, do not touch the hot sage leaves or try to blow the leaves to get them to fire up” if they have gone out. Just relight the sage and carry on. You do not want to blow the hot sage leaves onto your carpet, curtains or anywhere in your living space in case they catch fire.

******* If you suffer from gut issues such as constipation, candida overgrowth, gas, pain, bloating, IBS, hemorrhoids or more and are interested in learning ways to heal your body from the “bottom up” (Fact: a happy healthy gut means a happy healthy you) then take a moment to check out Vanessa’s online course “Gut Health Formula - complete guide and protocols to heal your gut naturally”

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